Are your emotions managing you?
God designed each of us and our emotions to be gauges, not guides. Your emotions shouldn't dictate how you live your life. Emotions reveal what your heart loves, trusts and fears.
Don't let your emotions boss you around. They're merely reports of what you're humanly feeling.
Satan prowls around, seeking to detour you off your path. He'll make you feel like you deserve more, that you're not getting enough praise, etc.
Think in agreement with God. Our emotions tell us how we feel, not how God feels. God works with us until we're not moved by human emotions alone. He sent the Holy Spirit to be our guide.
It's important that we, as Christians, learn about managing emotions rather than allowing our emotions to manage us.
Don't be a fool and let your emotions take over your life.
Proverbs 29:11 – " A fool gives full vent to his spirit, but a wise man quietly holds it back."