The value of hard work
God created us to work. This work is to reflect the glory of God.
Of course, the goodness of work was twisted by sin. Once since entered the human heart in the garden of Eden, it permeated the entirety of creating, including work itself.
Be careful friends. Don't let work become your idol. Don't let work take you away from God and your family.
After Jesus died for us and sent the Holy Spirit, we are now empowered to redeem our work for God's glory and the good of others.
Make sure you're aware that God is your boss, if you're a child of the King. Also, God works through us in more ways than you can imagine.
I've always strived to have a good work ethic and give all the glory to God for my job and the ability to provide for my family.
Don't underestimate God. You may be in a job where you're wondering 'why am I here?' Know that God placed you in the position you're in for a reason, to bless others.
Psalm 119:133 – "Keep steady my steps according to your promise, and let no iniquity get dominion over me."