Nothing surprises God!
Whatever you are anxious about right now, did you know that this doesn't surprise God at all?
God hears the cries of his children, and He responds. Now, the answer to your call may not be what you wanted to hear, but just know this. He is there, listening to every thought, every cry out, every worry on your heart.
Anxiety is a distraction from our relationship with God. This anxiety cripples us at times, taking over our minds and plunging our thoughts into darkness.
So, why do we do it? We're all human, but it's the sinful nature in us that stirs up thoughts of worry and feelings of anxiety.
But, there's hope in those who know Jesus. I could tell you numerous stories, even within the last year, where things would come up in my life that should really cripple me, knock me out. But, I held onto the promise that God gives us every day. Fear not! Fear is a liar. Those promises are still true today. I know from experience and my faith in God that no matter what lies before me today, God is with me and already knows the path of my day. You see, once you can see and understand this, you can have peace. And, everyone wants peace, right?
Give it to God today. He's not surprised. He's thrilled that you're giving it to Him to take care of.
Philippians 4:6 - "Don't be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."