God's ways are not our ways

There have been times in my Christian walk that I've wondered what is God up to.  Why?  What is happening?

I've been through some trials that I thought would never end.  There have been times that I even thought that I could have done it better than God. lol.... But, now, I realize my ways are not the ways God thinks.  We will have trials in this life, that's evident.  But during those trials we need to be open minded and allow God to do the work that He intended for us.

Pour out your hearts to God when you're in these trials.  Let Him know your needs.  Ask for, and expect peace during these times.  Yes, peace!  It's a peace that unless you're a born-again child of God you'll never understand.  The Bible also speaks of rejoicing and even being thankful in your darkest hour.  I'll have to admit, that this is the hardest part, but I'm here to tell you that it's all worth it.  What's the alternative, wallow in self pity?  That doesn't sound like much fun.

He promises to never leave us or turn away from us.  Ask God for wisdom instead of confusion in these trials.  Ask Him for peace instead of anxiety.

Keep saying "God is in control!"  

Isaiah 55:8-9 - "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways", declares the Lord.  "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."

It's a good thing that our ways aren't His ways!

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