Embracing your circumstances!
This was in my devotion this morning and is so 'right-on' to my life currently:
"Lord, teach me to embrace my circumstances, knowing it is You alone who gives me the strength to accept where You have me right now."
We are all wired to be happy. God made us to be happy. There lies a problem when we seek happiness in the wrong places. Let's face it, we live in a fallen world, ever since Adam and Eve. Unless you understand God's biblical principals, you won't understand what I'm talking about. This happiness is only found in Christ and it transcends our difficult circumstances. Be careful, because if we base our happiness upon our circumstances of our life, when things get difficult, we'll quickly lose that happiness.
We will all face trials; don't be surprised by this. Don't let yourself be defined by this circumstance. It should be defined by the future that God has laid out for us. If we truly believe that Christ died for us, rose again on the third day, and sent the Holy Spirit to indwell in us, then what do we have to fret about? Nothing. No matter what happens to us on this earth, we already have a spiritual heavenly home; waiting on our arrival.
Embrace where you're at right now. This is such a hard concept to conceive at times, even to the most committed Christian.
I pray that whoever is reading this blog right now that God will touch you today; that He would draw you to Him and that God would do a work of grace in your heart. I pray that you experience the happiness that only God can give. Embrace today's circumstances. He has a reason for it that you may not see today, but some day you will see how he used this circumstance for His glory.
Philippians 4:11 - "I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances."