Faithful in the routine

It's easy to be faithful and upbeat/happy when things are going your way.  But, how about when things are dull, same thing every day, nothing's changing.  Are we faithful then?  Are we thanking God for the a new day and new opportunities?

It's easy to lose our passion, easy to get discouraged.  It really doesn't take much faith when things are going well, getting good breaks, everything is falling into place.  

There is something going on, whether you see it or not, when you're faithful in the routine; your character is being developed, your spiritual muscles are getting stronger.  You are being prepared for where God is taking you.  The routineness of life is not exciting, but it is necessary.  

God is always preparing us for something greater, something better than what we could ever imagine.  

Are you being excellent where God has you now?  You'll never make it there if you're not faithful where you are.  Sometimes God is not changing the circumstances because He's using the circumstances to change us.

Stay faithful friends.  God sees your faithfulness today.

Exodus 19:5 - "Now then, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be My own possession among all the peoples, for all the earth is Mine;"

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