Are you seeking Him?
Read this in my devotion this morning and it stuck with me: "If we continue to seek Him, we will continue to see Him."
Seeking God's face is a conscious choice. Instead of just mentally coasting through your day today, stop and mentally, quietly, try to see Him. God reveals Himself to us in His word. Without reading the Word then it's almost impossible to understand this concept. Am I always doing this? No, but I strive to do this. I try to see God in everything I do. Some days I fail, others I thrive on feeling His presence and watching Him move obstacles out of my way.
The world and all it's stumbling blocks will totally throw us off track to where we're blinded by God's presence. The great obstacle to seeking God is pride. So, humility is essential to seeking God.
If you look for Him, He will reveal Himself to you. Are you doing this today? Are you seeking Him?
1 Chronicles 16:11 - "Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always."