Where am I denying Christ?
God is with us all day, every moment of every day. What about when we're faced with an assault, either on ourselves or our family? Do we stand up for Christ and have the courage to be ridiculed or even tortured for Christ?
God will give us what we need, when we need it. The Holy Spirit will use things to help us be ready when the hour of testing comes. But, we must be ready ahead of time. Set your mind on heavenly things. Don't live your life stressed out, worrying about what could happen or depressed about the future.
We shouldn't be surprised at the trials we face in life. God talks about it in the bible. Read it for yourself.
Are you denying Christ in your life? This could be as simple as not giving God credit for something He's done in your life.
Pray daily. Pray that you aren't arrogant enough to think you can get through life on your own. Pray that God helps you depend on Him ONLY.
If we deny Him, then He will deny us before God. Think about it.
Matthew 10:33 - "But whoever denies Me before men, I also will deny before My Father who is in heaven."