How are you responding to the storms in your life?

If you're not going through a storm right now, enjoy it.  It's not a question of if the storms are coming, but when the storms will come.

The Bible states that we should 'fear not.'  But, do we do this?  I know I've been guilty of fretting through the storm or feeling like I'm alone.  No matter how scary the storm may seem, you can be confident God will bring you to safety.

It is true what they say, "risk/reward."  No risk, probably no reward.  You'll never make a change in your life or an impact on others if you refuse to take risks and venture out into the storms of life.

These storms should stir up our faith.  Is there some step of faith that God's calling you to take?

The storms of life can be our friend or our enemy.  These interruptions of life are there to awaken our faith.

God is calling us to be an overcomer, not a casualty or a victim.

Respond to God, give Him your heart.  Let God carry you through the storms of life.

Psalm 46:1 - "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble."

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