God is my GPS
If you've ever used a GPS you know that if you make a wrong turn, the GPS will let you know by giving you a warning to 're-calculate.'
Using God as my GPS allows me to follow His guidance (Bible) and know that His route to get through life is for my good. If we find ourselves on the wrong road, walking down the wrong path, God will remind us to come to Him for direction.
Just like a GPS's function, if we don't know how to use it, what good is it to get to our destination. If we don't know God and His plan for our life we'll be lost.
The good news is that you can come to God at any time in your life. You don't have to wait until things are in order. In fact, Jesus says "Come as you are."
Some people may think that to come to Jesus, to repent and be saved that you have to get rid of the sin in your life, but this is not a prerequisite for salvation.
Repenting and accepting the gift of salvation will put you on the right path in life. God's GPS will altar your course to a better life.
Matthew 11:28 - "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest."