The choice is yours.

Romans 9:33 - “As it is written: “See, I lay in Zion a stone that causes people to stumble and a rock that makes them fall, and the one who believes in him will never be put to shame.”

I think you’ll agree that our climate is changing rapidly. The hurricanes have increased and the average temperatures are rising everywhere. Whether you believe it or not, the Bible says these are signs of the end of this age as we know it.

Most people ignore the signs, just as they did in the days of Noah and the ark. People mocked Noah for building this large boat, when they had never even seen rain before. They thought he was a crazy old man.

Did you know that God hates sin? Yes, He is a loving God and wants the best for us, but He is also a just God and must punish sin.

You see it on t.v. Those people who hear the coming of a hurricane, but refuse to leave their homes. They know the possible destruction and harm, but resolve to stay and think that their decision to face the storm outweighs the inconvenience of leaving.

Sadly, some of these people have not only lost their homes, but their lives.

Wake up. Don’t be like the people in the days of Noah.

Make the right choice to follow God today. Don’t ignore the signs.

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