He won't deliver us from tragedy, but in tragedy.

I’ve heard people say, “if God is so good, then why did this happen to me?”

Hey, I’ve even said that before so I understand. But, honestly when I said that, I didn’t really know God. God wasn’t a priority in my life. My dependancy on Him was usually temporal at best.

If you’re thinking of the above observation, ponder this: If you met someone, started a meaningful relationship with them, but you only contacted them when you were in trouble or needed something. Sounds kind of one-sided, huh?

That’s the way some people try to treat God. Oh, they acknowledge that God exists and that He created the universe and everything in it, but that doesn’t mean they want Him to run their life.

It’s sad, because they’re missing out on the best of God. God already know us inside and out. Why not let Him into your daily life?

I can’t promise, nor does God promise that He will take tragedy away, but He does promise that He’ll be at our side, going through it with us.

Now, when tragedy comes, I know that God will be there, in it, with me. He promises to never leave me and I have found that to be true many many times.

Psalm 34:18 - “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”

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