What type of fire are you fueling?
There are different types of fires and different ways to fuel fire. Metaphorically speaking. They can either be destructive or useful, depending on the fuel.
If you think about a fire being ignited in your heart, this could be very productive. It can ignite passion and drive. It can ignite us to study God’s word. It can awaken us to inspire others. These types of fires need to be fueled continuously so they can burn bright.
But, there are other types of fires that left to smolder and grow, can be damaging. Bitterness for example. The more you let this settle in your thought patterns, the bigger the fire becomes until you’re engulfed in a raging fire that is almost impossible to put out.
We can pour water on these harmful fires all we want, but unless we take the steps to cut off the fuel supply, it’s always ready to re-ignite again.
In order to keep a fire, a passion for God going, you’ll need to keep God front and center. In your thoughts. In your actions and in the way you treat other people.
Let people look at you and say, “Wow! Look at the passion she/he has for God.”
Ignite your fire for God today!
Proverbs 26:20 - “Where there is no fuel a fire goes out; where there is no gossip arguments come to an end.”