Goodness of God

The goodness of God means He's going to guide you, guard you, protect you, direct you, and save you.

To look at God's goodness, you have to look at God's character and actions.  God is the original definition of good.  For us, goodness is an added quality.  But to God, it comes naturally to Him.  God is the greatest of beings ever!

To look at God's true character, we look at His actions.  He's kind, merciful, loving, generous, never changing.  God wants to give us the goodness of life. Not because we deserve it but because of His divine nature.

I know it's hard to see the goodness of God sometimes in your own life.  But if we intentionally look, His goodness is in every day.  Every relationship, every bird, every friend, every flower and tree.  They are all a reminder of His compassion for us.

Sometimes God's good plan for us means going through trials and losses and heartache and death.  God does have greatness stored up for you.  There is a better path for those who follow Him.  Take refuge in Him.  Rest there.

When you believe that God is good all the time, it frees you to take ever-increasing steps of faith.  It gives you a trust that no matter what lies ahead, God is good.

Psalm 107:1 – "Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever."

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