
A task is defined as 'a piece of work to be done or undertaken.' A task could be an assignment given to you, a mission to accomplish or a duty to fulfill.

God requires us to fulfill the great commission. What does this look like? It means spreading the good news of Jesus around the world. Now you may be limited to a geographical area, but this doesn't hold you back from telling your neighbor, your co-worker or the girl at the check-out line at the market, the great news of Jesus.

These tasks that are required of a Christian shouldn't feel overwhelming. They shouldn't feel like a job. You should be filled with joy and compassion. This should be your vision with purpose and a plan. And although you should be committed to doing God's work, this commitment should come without dread or fear.

Accept the tasks assigned to you from the Creator that created you. Consider it joy to be doing God's work. We may not always feel our tasks matter. But God’s assignments make an eternal difference.

We only have a short time here on earth to carry out God's plan for mankind. Why not show others the love that Jesus did and does show every day.

Matthew 28:19 – “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,"

Dianne PetreyComment