A dying tree.
There was a guy (let’s call him John) who just moved to a new house with his family and as he was inspecting the landscaping, he noticed a tree in the corner of the yard. Even though it was one of the more matured trees in the yard, it was brown, and to him, looked dead.
So, since he knew very little about trees and how to take care of them, he called the local landscaper. The landscaper came and as they were viewing the lawn, John pointed out the ‘dead’ tree. As the landscaper surveyed the tree, he kind of chuckled to himself. He said, “this tree’s not dead, it’s just not in season.”
Isn’t this like some Christians? Maybe they are a new Christian or maybe they’ve been a Christian for a very long time, and have turned away from their faith. Does this mean that if you’re not practicing what you preach that you’re not a Christian? Not necessarily.
Persevering faith is the type of faith required for salvation. Some, including me, find ourselves having false trust in God when things are going well. Authentic faith is a faith that endures, no matter what you’re going through; no matter what season you’re in.
This trust or confidence that we have in God is built up over time as He proves Himself faithful time and time again.
How’s your outward appearance as a Christian? Do people look at you and see someone who has little life left in them? Do they look at you and wonder if you are a Christian?
Stand tall, grounded in God’s word, no matter what season of life you’re in.
If you believe in Jesus, the One who died for you, you will always be alive!
John 11:25 - “Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in Me, though he die, yet shall he live.”