Miracle grow

Have you ever read the front of a “Miracle Grow” box? First of all, it’s plant food. Nourishment for plants. It instantly feeds to grow bigger, more beautiful plants. Get beautiful results in just weeks!

In a Christian world, ‘miracle grow’ is a combination of many things. The first and most important nutrient we need is Jesus. Our nourishment boost in growing is the Bible. But one of the fundamental components for us to grow in our faith is our continuing consistent relationship with Christ. If we intend on getting to be the best ‘child of God’ we can, we must maintain this ‘miracle grow’ of ingredients.

What’s your “Miracle Grow?” Do you have a relationship with God? Do you surround yourself with other believers? Do you encourage others growing with you? Are you following Christ and believing that He has a place for you in Heaven? That’s your Miracle Grow!

Get grounded in Christ today. Consume the word of God. Grow more beautiful as a person as you let God fight your battles, removing the weeds in your life and fulfilling your life into what He’s designed you to be. A beautiful child of God.

Luke 16:31 - “He said to him, ‘If they do not hear Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be convinced if someone should rise from the dead.’”