
Panic is a sudden uncontrollable fear or anxiety, often causing wildly unthinking behavior.

Have you ever been at home or in a building, when all of a sudden, the fire alarm went off unexpectantly?  Did it make you jump in fear?  Could you feel every beat of your heart at that very minute?

There are many factors that could induce a panic attack, but the underlying issue is fear.  Panic is fear gone wild.  The Bible doesn’t specifically call these situations panic attacks, but it does describe what a panic attack feels like in Psalm 44:4-6 – “My heart is in anguish within me; the terrors of death have fallen upon me.  Fear and trembling come upon me, and horror overwhelms me.”

A key component in overcoming panic attacks is to normalize them.  Recognize that they are not life-threatening and that God is bigger than the fear.  If we let fear consume us and allow worry to set in, it’s inevitable that an attack will come.

Jesus also says in Matthew 10:28, “do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.”

If you’re a Christian, been saved by God’s Son, then you know to trust in God when difficult things happen in life.  I can’t explain sometimes when I’m going through a challenging situation why I have a calmness within me. What I can explain is that I first go to God in prayer.  Give Him my burdens.  Allow Him to take away the fear.  And I don’t forget those times when they have passed.  I brag on God to others about how He got me through it. 

Remember everything ends.  This is a season of life.  God is good and His mercy and love endures forever.  He promises that!