Love letters

Whatever happened to writing letters to each other? They call it ‘snail mail’ these days. Why? Because it’s a slow form of communication? In this instant society we live in these days, we want to speak, make a statement, and immediately want a response back.

I’m sure if you asked most people of the current generation if they knew what a ‘pen pal’ was, they would look at you like you had a third eyeball. After the invention of ink for a quill pen and led for pencils, people wrote letters and the mail man delivered them. This was their social media, lol…

I can remember writing letters to my mom when I moved away and started a family. Yes, we could call each other and talk on the phone, but with the cost of a long distance phone call, that could become expensive. I can also remember the anticipation when I opened the mailbox and there was a letter from her. I would find a quiet place and read every word, slowly, meditating on her face and watching her in my mind write the letter.

What if we could get the same passion in anticipation of reading the Bible? After all, the Bible is God’s love letter to us.

The Bible is full of nourishment, spiritual food to keep us healthy. Take time to read it today.

What one change can you make to your normal morning or evening routine that will create time to read and meditate on God’s word?

Psalm 119:103 - “How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!”