We are all familiar with what a prison is. There are over 5000 prison systems housing over 2.3 million people in the United States.
Matthew 25:36 - “I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.”
I don’t know if you’ve ever visited someone in prison or just visited one of the facilities, but a prison is a very lonely, sad place.
I was recently a part of a prison ministry called, “Bill Glass Prison Ministry.” The group that I was a part of did ministry in the Juvenile Detention center. We had some entertainment for the kids, which was great, and then we shared the gospel with them. Most of these kids are from broken homes, some don’t even have a home to go to, once they’re freed.
In talking to a couple of the kids, we asked if they knew what sin is. They couldn’t tell me.
My prayer is if they remember one thing from our visit is that Jesus loves them.
Prisons. Over half the population of America are in emotional prisons.
When you’re in an emotional prison, you’re trapped in your thoughts. You can’t look past your hurts and current trial, and the only way to get free of this is to trust and lean on Jesus. He’s already broke the bondage of sin; He can loose the chains of captivity.
The prisons are full of broken, hurting people. Take one afternoon or join a group and visit one of these institutions.
God promises to set us free spiritually and emotionally. Make the right choices.