God's not into addition, but multiplication.

I was in a small group at my church a few years ago, called, “Train & Multiply.” The training was based on God’s main law; train Christians to become disciples, to spread the good news of Jesus around the world.

The people that receive Jesus as their savior are added to Heaven’s family. When that one person tells another of his experience and the story of Jesus, that person gets saved (by God), and on and on.

God’ not so much impressed with how many people you got to come to church Sunday morning. He’s more interested in spreading the good news of Jesus, making disciples that are making disciples.

Don’t be comfortable just going to Church on Sunday. Be fearless for Jesus. Step out of your comfort zone.

Multiply the kingdom of heaven with soul winning.

I can promise if you do this, God will make you bolder; He’ll strengthen your faith, and you’ll be ready to step out and tell the world of this great life that can be theirs, if they believe.

You’ll have the courage to sign up for that next mission trip; you’ll be ready to tell your co-worker about Jesus, and you’ll be willing to love and share your story with a stranger you just met.

Make a difference.

Train and multiply the kingdom of heaven.

Matthew 28:18-19 - “Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,”

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