Straighten up and fly right.

The above phrase was popular when I was a kid. It is meant to tell someone to improve their attitude or behavior and perform better. Some of the elementary teachers would give this warning to the unruly kids in class.

I give this analogy to those of us who are Christians, to remind ourselves that once we give our life to Christ, the former things we used to do, no longer appeal to us. We take a different direction towards our choices.

We need to review our attitude and our behavior, especially around non-Christians. It doesn’t mean we have to change our personality. Others should see a change in you, once you become a Christian.

The same mouth that was foul before conversion, gives words of encouragement and hope. Some who spent their weekends at the bars, are spending their time serving others.

We are not to act like robots. In love, we should be easier to be around. Our attitude is more positive and up beat. We should be attracting people, not by our looks, but by our behavioral change.

Befriend someone today. Get to know them. It could take some time, but it will be worth it. As they watch you and hear your story, it will have an impact on their life.

Straighten up, and act like a Christian, through your words and actions.

We only have one life here on earth. Use it to make a change in the world. Share your story and watch what happens next.

2 Corinthians 5:17 - “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”

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