Grow your faith.

Matthew 8:26 - “He replied, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.”

Why are most of us so quick to judge others, instead of looking at our own faults?

Or, why do Christians blame God for things that go wrong in their lives?

Matthew 8:26 is referring to a time when the disciples, men who left their homes, families and careers to follow Jesus, started doubting Him. They saw Jesus perform miracles and healings, yet, when their life seemed to be in danger, they quickly forgot all this, and let their fear overcome their faith.

I admit, I’m not perfect. There have been times when my faith shrinks in fear.

But, I’ve found that when fear seeps into my thoughts, when the unknown scares me to death, this is when I have to intentionally re-focus my thoughts on what’s good in my life. I have to purposely change my thoughts from fear to thanksgiving.

Just as a seed grows in the ground, my faith will start to develop and thrive. And soon, faith sprouts peace and understanding.

I have seen my faith grow in leaps in bounds since I started applying this one principle: Trust God. I may not know the outcome, and it may be frightening to go through, but God loves me and is fighting for me. He always wants the best for me, and this strengthens my faith even more.

Build your faith; grow your faith. Trust God alone for your faith growth.

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