Missed blessings.

I spent most of my early adult years trying to do life on my own terms.

Looking back, I see so many lost blessings; so many gifts from God that I rejected.

Oh, I did thank God occasionally for an answered prayer or an unanticipated favor.

At best, I had temporal faith. As long as I was getting what I thought I should have, I was grateful.

But this is no way to live life. I was trying to be my own god.

Not even trying to understand what God was doing, I missed out on blessings He had for me.

Until the day I turned my life around. I realized my temporary faith was fleeting on the best of days.

God wants us all in. He wants to be the center of our life. Once I understood this and started talking to God, like He was my best friend, my heart started to change.

A couple of decades later, and I’m so grateful for the blessings I receive, every day. I have my trials like everyone else, but I’m never going to let another blessing skip by me.

Be quick to listen; slow to speak. Be teachable; surrendered.

It’s God’s gift to you. Don’t miss out.

James 1:21 - “Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.”

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