Microwave prayer.

I’ve done it before. Threw up a prayer of desperation in a time of need. Short, but to the point.

How did that work out for me? Well, most of the time, not so well.

God wants everything that we are. He wants us as close to Him as our next breath, but unfortunately most of us do good to give him a short prayer before we go to sleep at night. A microwave prayer; thirty seconds of pleas and maybe a few thankful thoughts.

This would be the same as not talking to your spouse, child or parents, except a few words before going to sleep at night.

In every relationship that we have, most times we’re communicating on a daily basis. We share our thoughts with each other, and our love.

So, why do we treat God as if He’s this invisible being that lives in a far off land?

As it says in Psalms 50:15, “and call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me.”

God’s right here. He’s waiting on you. He wants our respect, love and honor.

My relationship with God may not be where it needs to be, but He knows me; He loves me and wants nothing but the best for me. I will follow God all the days of my life, until I take my last breath.

Don’t just give God the leftovers of the day. Give Him all of you. Take time to talk to God tonight, or right now. Give Him the praise and honor He deserves.

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