Feeding their minds.

If you’ve ever watched kids, you’ll know that they can be easily distracted. You can put something in front of them that’s entertaining, and they’ll watch it for hours. This is a very dangerous tool that the devil uses to lure kids into places they shouldn’t be.

On the contrary, you can combat this diversion by filling their minds with good things.

I experienced this by watching my grandkids last weekend. They wanted to hear and watch a music video that was not anything I would have let my own kids watch. I said ok, but then it was my turn to pick the movie or video. As I turned on a kid’s version of Noah’s ark, they were entranced by the story. They started asking questions, and ended up liking my choice.

As we’re having to change our daily routines and somehow entertain our kids during this time, let’s take time to feed them with the ‘good stuff.’ Let’s introduce them to the stories from the Bible that they can understand, and enjoy.

The world is full of hate, destruction, death and bad stuff.

This is our next generation. Let’s teach them the good things of God. Let’s show them how we can help make the world a better place by learning from Bible history. They can be educated on God’s goodness, and how His love for us.

God hates sin, and He hates it when satan rules over a household.

Let’s shut the devil out of our homes, and bring back the wholesome teachings of the Bible.

Feed their minds with the story of Jesus today.

Proverbs 22:6 - “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.”

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