
Bloated is defined as “excessive in size or amount.”  When you’re physically bloated, it feels miserable.  It can be brought on by many things, but it usually happens when you do something in excess, like eating too much, drinking too much, or even eating the wrong things.  I’ve had issues with bloating and it’s not anything I’d wish on my worst enemy.

You can also be bloated emotionally and spiritually.  You can be so full of yourself that you become arrogant.  My goal is to be spiritually bloated; filled with God’s love and Holy spirit, so much that it exudes from me.

What is happening in our society lately is that people are becoming bloated with all the bad news, the doom and gloom of the economy and the feeling of isolation.  We’re being consumed with worry, loss and emotional instability.

There’s a point where you have to walk away from the news and turn your thoughts on something good.

 Try it for one week.  Turn off the news, listen to worship music and read your Bible.

 Before you know it, you’ll be filled with goodness, so much that it will automatically show in your walk and talk. Become bloated on God’s word.

 Proverbs 17:22 – “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”

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