Moving day.
George Carlin, the comedian, had a skit where he talked about why people move. It was hilarious, as he talked about why people take all their junk and move it to another house, and just keep moving their junk around.
Moving day is coming for me personally. I’ll be moving across town to another house. Although I’m excited about being at this new location, the thoughts of moving keep me up at night.
There is a future moving day that I am looking forward to. It’s when I move from my earthly home to heaven.
People act like this will be their home forever, but it’s not. Whether you’re a Christian or not, one day your body will give out and you’ll leave this earth and go to an eternal home. Hopefully, you’ll be joining me in heaven.
Are you prepared for your moving day? I hope so. If not, give your life to Christ today and rest easy, knowing your home in heaven is already prepared and waiting for you.
Acts 7:49 – “Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. What kind of house will you build for me? says the Lord or where will my resting place be?