Manure is good for a garden. You can spread it around the garden and the plants will thrive from this nutrient rich dung.
I heard a pastor give the analogy of manure and money. He said that if you leave manure in a pile, it really stinks, but if you spread it around, it helps out the plants and living things in the ground grow. So it is with money. If we hold onto money, it’s of no good to anyone, but if we spread it around, others can prosper from it as well.
I can attest to the fact that in the past, when I have had money and used it for my own benefit, and didn’t give to others, my life stalled. It wasn’t going anywhere, and I didn’t realize that the money that I get as a paycheck is not my money. God loans it to me to use.
As a single mom, I used to lose sleep over money, worrying if I had enough to pay the bills. It wasn’t that I didn’t make much money, because I had a good salary. It’s what I did with the money that was the problem. I kept it to myself. I bought what I wanted. Of course I provided for my kids, but I was very selfish with whatever was left over.
As I grew in my Christian walk, I started realizing that I am very fortunate. Once I started giving to others, my life started changing. I can remember living in Oklahoma, and had the lowest paying salary I had ever had in my career, but the money was always there at the end of the month. I kept my bills paid and family fed. What was different? I was giving to the church; my money, my time.
God knows your heart. If you’re holding onto money for your own pleasures, be very careful. In the book of Mark, Jesus asks the man to go sell all his possessions and give the money to the poor. The man went away sad and Jesus goes on to tell that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.
Are you holding onto your money so tight that it’s starting to stink? Pay it forward; give to others; share your time with those in need.
Don’t be stinky, or stingy.
Mark 10:21-22 - “Jesus looked at him and loved him. “One thing you lack,” he said. “Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven.Then come, follow me.” At this the man’s face fell. He went away sad, because he had great wealth.”