
Can you imagine a pair of shoes lasting 40 years? Maybe if you didn’t wear them every day. But the Israelites in the Bible wore the same shoes, ate the same food for 40 long years.

Yes, as you can imagine, there was some complaining. Yet, the people trusted God to get them through the desert.

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Dianne PetreyComment
Follow me?

While cycling with my husband, I thought I knew a good route to take. Knowing that I was heading to a dead end, he accommodated my request, even though he knew I was wrong.

Yep, he was right (again), but was willing to follow me anyway.

How about you? Who are you following today? Are you giving into your peers, chasing after the elite? How’s that goin’ for ya?

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Dianne PetreyComment

All worry, stress, tension or depression comes from fear. Fear is being unable to deal with the circumstances on your own, so you replace it with something that makes you forget about it at the time.

The sad thing is that when the stimulate (whatever it is; alcohol, medications, etc.) has worn off, you still have the problems.

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Dianne PetreyComment

Col 3:23-25 - “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Anyone who does wrong will be repaid for their wrongs, and there is no favoritism.”

I am no stranger to disappointment. There have been many times in my early 30s that I would build up my expectations in events or even people, that when things didn't turn out the way I expected, I was extremely hurt and disappointed, to say the least.

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Dianne PetreyComment

When we hear the word investment, we often think of money. What we have our money invested in.

But the most important things we need to invest in aren’t material things, it’s relationships.

Have you given your life over to Christ? Are you investing your time reading His word (the Bible)?

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Dianne PetreyComment
Don't let failure disrupt your peace.

The problem may look overwhelming. You may feel abandoned on a deserted island. But if you have Jesus in your life, you can have peace.

Jesus blazed our path before us. He died so that we could live. Don’t you think that His power over heaven and earth is the same power that can calm your soul.

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Dianne PetreyComment
Catch and release.

Catch and release is an intended technique used in fishing. You catch the fish, then you release it.

So, how does this relate to Christians? It’s easy for us to hook onto problems, or to get into a destructive relationship.

The solution is to not dwell on the dilemma or to be consumed by the wrong choices.

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Dianne PetreyComment
Customer Service.

I’ve wrote about this before, probably because it has been a large part of my career.

“What can I do for you?” The theme statement of anyone who serves the public.

This is what we need to ask God, every day.

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Dianne PetreyComment

Have you ever saw an anchor on a large cruise ship? They’re huge!

Anchors have been around since the beginning of time. If a boat is on a body of water without an anchor, it will be tossed around.

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Dianne PetreyComment
Details! I need details.

Have you ever noticed that some men leave out the details of a conversation they may have had with their buddies?

As a woman, we want details! We want to know everything that was said, and how you felt about it. lol.

As it is with life. God has a plan for each one of us, if we believe and follow Him. But, that doesn’t mean He’s going to give us all the elements of our journey.

We have to trust Him in His plan for us.

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Dianne PetreyComment
He never changes.

I never really understand people who wake up one day and say that they want a new life. They’re tired of family or commitment, and they need something new.

Some people will change their moods based on someone else’s response. I’ll admit, it’s hard to not fall into these traps.

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Dianne PetreyComment
Seeing things through His eyes.

I love being around kids or even adults when they are seeing something new for the first time. The adventure in their eyes is something to behold.

As a Christian, we should live our lives, dedicated and committed to Christ. This requires a steady, unmovable spirit of love.

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Dianne PetreyComment
Just one more day.

If I could have just one more day with my mom, I would tell her what a wonderful role model she was for me.

I look at each day as a gift. Another chance to do the right thing, to say a kind word to a stranger, to make someone laugh or to be that example that someone might be looking for right now.

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Dianne PetreyComment

Psalm 34:17-18 – “The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”

All my early adult life, I existed on the premise that if I did what was expected of me, that everyone would accept me as I am. I thought that if I did what they want, they would accept me and not reject me.

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Dianne PetreyComment
In the waiting.

We can’t escape the wait. We wait on something or someone daily. I’m looking out my window and waiting to see my lily burst out of its bloom.

It’s in the waiting that we have two choices. We can wait with anticipation, or we can wait with dread.

Regardless of what you’re waiting for, put your trust in Jesus.

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Dianne PetreyComment
A boy and his lunch.

I always wondered what was going through the mind of the little boy who shared his lunch with Jesus and the five thousand that day.

Who knew that such a small sacrifice would feed so many?

Jesus is still doing this today. He’s using you and me, right where we are, to fulfill His Will.

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Dianne PetreyComment
It takes guts to believe.

1 Samuel 17:37 – “The Lord who rescued me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will rescue me from the hand of this Philistine.”

Can you imagine getting ready to fight a battle with a giant? A human that towered over you? With no army or artillery, you were ultimately facing a daunting dilemma.

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Dianne PetreyComment

If you’ve never had a test, then you can’t have a testimony.

In school, I hated tests. I would get physically ill before taking a test. It wasn’t that I hadn’t studied, it was the fear of failure that scared me to death.

But, once I passed the test, I learned something new.

As it is with life. If we’re never tested with trials, how can we tell others our story?

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Dianne PetreyComment

The echoes of our lives can be happy, and sad.

Oh, how I remember the good times with my mom. She was full of laughter and had a peace about her that made everyone feel loved.

She’s gone now, but the memories still live on with me.

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Dianne PetreyComment